How to Tell If Something Was Written by ChatGPT

ChatGPT has rapidly risen in popularity as an advanced AI chatbot that can generate remarkably human-like text on demand for any topic prompt.

But along with its text generation prowess, ChatGPT has also sparked growing concerns around AI-based misinformation and content falsification.

So how can you reliably tell whether a piece of text, article or written content was produced by ChatGPT versus penned by a human author?

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the top text analysis techniques as well as expert tools leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning to help ascertain the true origin of questionable text – human or AI.

Why Determine Text Source – Human vs AI?

Before diving into the detection methods, let’s first underscore why identifying text provenance – whether human-written or ChatGPT-generated – is increasingly vital in the world of AI saturation:

  • Avoid plagiarism or copyright violations when repurposing writings.
  • Reduce risk of spreading AI-generated misinformation lacking factual accuracy.
  • Understand depth versus limitations around AI linguistic mastery.
  • Set policies for transparency disclosures in publishing industries.
  • Adjust analysis, expectations and usage patterns accordingly based on text source identification.

Now that the motives are clearer, let’s explore some structural analysis techniques as well as specialized tools to help investigate text authorship integrity.

Indicators for Spotting AI-Generated Text

Carefully examining the text content and structure manually can reveal certain telltale traits strongly indicative of AI origin rather than human ingenuity.

Frequent Use of Common Words

Statistical analysis shows AI models tend to employ more common filler words like “and”, “the”, “is”, “are” repetitively compared to humans who use a wider lexical range.

So noticing the dense presence and repetitive sequencing involving such high frequency words within a piece of writing can suggest AI generation.

Absence of Grammar Mistakes

Another sign of AI authorship is the glaring lack of those natural grammar slips, misspellings or punctuation errors characteristic of human writing filled with hasty typos or oversights.

So perfectly structured content conforming wholly to writing conventions consistently is comparatively rare for human creators but norm for AI like ChatGPT.

Consistent Tone Without Nuance

While ChatGPT can adopt an impressively wide range of linguistic styles based on the prompt, when self-generating writings within a domain the overall tone tends to remain monotonous and evenly-paced.

Whereas human writings frequently incorporate more varied cadences, humor interludes, creative detours and wandering thoughts breaching the constraints of consistent dialect – rarely witnessed in AI outputs.

Implausible Statements

Despite advances in logical coherence, ChatGPT narrations can still incorporate semantically disjointed sentences, logically contradictory assertions, chronology reversals or obviously implausible scenarios revealing the system’s ignorance regarding ground realities.

Careful scrutiny exposing such plot holes or meaning incongruities offers evidence favoring AI provenance with its limited wisdom.

Repetition of Phrases

Since ChatGPT compositions essentially constitute extensions of previous trainings, certain unique phrases or uncommon word combinations tend to recur more frequently indicative of the model repeating its past lexical learnings. Where human writings display more novelty and contextual diversity.

By remaining vigilant towards these types of structural patterns commonly surfaced in AI writings but rarely manifesting naturally otherwise, you can manually gauge authorship likelihood to a reasonable degree before needing to invoke more advanced tools.

Online Tools to Detect AI Content

Specialized online tools powered by machine learning algorithms can automatically analyze text passages to accurately evaluate the odds of it being AI-generated content instead of human-crafted.

Let’s overview some leading options:

OpenAI Detector

  • Created by the makers of ChatGPT themselves, this detector tool represents the state-of-the-art for spotting AI content with high precision.
  • Can be used for free without needing an account.
  • Analyzes textual context, semantics and writing style flows using advanced deep learning.
  • Surfaced transparency rating determines if text is Very Unlikely, Unlikely, Unsure, Possible or Likely AI-generated.
  • Handles English language text inputs sufficiently lengthwise to enable assessment.

With backing by OpenAI research and tailored detection of writings in ChatGPT’s genre, this is the most authoritative tool currently available to expose AI impositions accurately.

Hugging Face GLTR

  • This detector tool is named after the Giant Language Model Test Room system conceived through rigorous study of language model capacities.
  • Enables users to compare two text samples side-by-side manually to judge comparative AI-ness.
  • Technically examines aspects like perplexity, frequency, repetition, plagiarism likelihoods and textual entailments to quantify GLTR scores.
  • Greater relative GLTR score indicates increased AI-generated probability versus the benchmark text.

Offering not just binary outputs but rather granular scoring to relatively grade text against baselines makes GLTR well-suited for refined testing of production language models like ChatGPT based on continuous improvements.

Stanford Human or AI

  • Built by AI scholars at Stanford University through examining over 1 million human and AI-written texts.
  • This detector tool differentiates writing sources using stylistic analysis methods developed via deep neural networks.
  • Beyond binary classification, it offers tiered rating as Definite Human, Likely Human, Unsure, Unlikely Human and Definite AI.
  • Handles text samples of at least 1000 words for optimal assessment accuracy.

With a vast text dataset for training AI detection models and qualified research background, Stanford’s tool constitutes another credible option to double-check suspicion of AI authorship.

Limitations of AI Detectors

However, it’s important to note that even advanced detectors have limitations when confronted with tactics used by language models to intentionally confuse detection. These include:

  • Adding authentic nuances through human editing of AI raw text.
  • Training models on specific corpora the detector is not exposed to.
  • Generating text with purposeful injections of atypical words and grammar deviations.

So while helpful, filter outputs from these tools via lenses of skepticism and empiricism before considering any verdict as infallible.

Manual Inspection

Beyond programming outputs, manually inspecting questioned texts for distinguishing human and AI giveaways constitutes a prudent strategy for confirmation.

Look for signs like personal experiences, cultural familiarity, continuity slip-ups, dialect tone alignments and logical flow aberrations highly revealing of actual human authorship versus synthetic mimicry.

Sensibly factoring in both tool-based quantifications as well as qualitative observations enables balanced rulings.

Read Also: How to Search ChatGPT Conversations History – 6 Method


In closing, while ChatGPT heralds a new era of generative writing capabilities, simultaneously determining authenticity of authorship has become pivotal for publishers, academics and causal users alike.

Equipping yourself to discern texts potentially composed by language models rather than original human creation is crucial for upholding integrity across industrial content pipelines and evaluating information reliability.

The methodologies and detectors outlined in this guide constitute a robust framework to analyze authorship likelihoods when reviews of text provenance and assessments of credibility are necessitated.

Wield these techniques of structural scrutiny, automated ML classifiers, manual inspection and balanced interpretation to keep pace with AI’s rapid encroachment into both creative composition and counterfeit misinformation domains.

Stay vigilant and analytical before accepting prose authorship claims at face value in these times of rampant, convincingly-articulate language models!

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